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“诗散电影”是兼具了“诗电影”和“散电影”的某些美学特征的一种崭新的电影样式。它具有开放性的叙事姿态和主题表达,自由松散的结构方式以及由隐喻、象征、暗示等艺术手段营构的诗性的美学特征。中国电影《周渔的火车》、《巫山云雨》、《西施眼》和外国电影《恋恋三季》、《青木瓜香》是“诗散电影”的典范。  相似文献   
《诗经·国风》中的爱情诗,是《诗经》中具有人民性和健康审美情感的精华部分.透过这些作品,我们可以了解到《诗经》时代人民纯挚的爱情生活,由尔激励和警策现代人更深刻更广泛地去认识生活、追求自由幸福的婚姻生活.  相似文献   
Sex education has been a major concern that has run in parallel with the creation of the modern concept of childhood (innocence) in Western societies. When priests opposed sex education for children, teachers and physicians advocated the need for education. In Sweden, in the early twentieth century, two female physicians wrote a prize-winning manual about sex education. In this paper, I present a close reading of the manual with a focus on how the (boy) child and (mother) woman were presented. The analysis aims to read the manual in three ways pointing to how it communicated resistance to otherings of the female body: (i) one reading focusing on how the female and (boy) male bodies were imagined, (ii) a second reading informed by Freudian theory and, (iii) a third reading guided by contemporary feminist studies which highlight, among other topics, the importance of investing in a representation of femininity defined by women. I will show how the authors gave an alternative interpretation of the mother–child-father relationship compared to Freud, and that they did so by writing their bodies into the text. The analysis shows how a striving towards an ethics of sexuality, including gender equality, have been part of the sex education genre for many years, and can serve as an inspiration today.  相似文献   
Formalist conceptions of aesthetic goals began to give way from the 17th century on to rationalist accounts of experience. Beauty as described as essential by Renaissance thinkers was reconceived as just one possibility, with the sublime in Burke's account as another. In the early 20th century Clive Bell again asserted a formalist position with his argument for significant form. The weakness of the formality position, and the need for a richer, more contextual account of aesthetic goals and experience is argued with reference to the idea of thick and thin concepts as applied by Bernard Williams to ethics, Wittgenstein's attention to the way in which language is used in a specific context, and Scruton's emphasis on an informed conception of the object of aesthetic attention. Beauty, in Alberti's procedural account if not in his version of the Platonic ideal, can be seen to continue to have critical value. The idea of character, however, offers a broader range of possibilities for experience and of goals for design.  相似文献   
分析了小学数学教材教法课教学中存在的问题,就如何提高课堂教学效率,使学生不但"学会"而且"会学"、"会教"、"会研究"、"会创造",提出了"主体参与"型教学模式,并对其理论建构、基本内容、具体操作及应注意的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   
大学生上网成瘾严重影响到学生的学习和身心健康,目前已经成为高等学校教育教学管理的一大难题。分析大学生上网现象,有助于探讨高校应对大学生上网成瘾问题的对策,提高引导工作的针对性。  相似文献   
职业教育必须是一种在教育层次、培养目标、办学主体、教育形式等方面提供多种选择,满足多种学习和发展需要的教育,这既是社会对职业教育的客观要求,也是职业教育的最大特点。  相似文献   
置身于当代社会的前苏联作家艾特玛托夫是一个具有先知、良知的忧郁者,他自觉地负荷着时代的痛苦,对人类的关怀令作者上下求索。1986年,他推出新作长篇小说《断头台》,在这部小说中,他塑造了一个酷似基督教的“耶稣”形象——阿夫季,但作者笔下的“耶稣”形象失去了重要的宗教因素,“上帝”是新的“上帝”,“耶稣”是当代的“耶稣”,是人类社会善与美的追求者,是真理与正义的探险者与殉难者。  相似文献   
文学的有效性,其实就是文学“个人”对世界的进入方式。小说、诗歌在“个人化”表达上自然有它自己独到的地方,但因文体的局限毕竟有言有尽而意无穷的尴尬。正因散文能“直抒胸臆”,它的“自由”更能使作家的“思想”痛快淋漓。按照时间顺序,“身体”在文学中的起起伏伏无疑是1990年代以来最重要的文学事件之一,余秋雨、刘亮程、南帆的散文在主题的意义上可看作是“身体”处境具有代表性的发展过程,同时文学介入现实的有效性也得以不断地深入。这应该是散文最具现实感的另一面。  相似文献   
诗歌美育教学是以诗歌为审美对象开展审美教育,以审美为主要手段来感受诗歌的语言内容,从而全面提高学生的语言能力和审美能力的一种教学活动。要认识诗歌美育教学的作用,熟悉其教学内容,掌握其教学方法。  相似文献   
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